VBS 2020


June 22-26

Full steam ahead…for fun!
join us for all the fun right here:
Day 1:

Day 2:

Day 3:

Day 4:

Day 5:
Coming Friday, June 26






Rocky Railway VBS is the summer event that puts kids on track for trusting Jesus!  At Rocky Railway, kids explore Jesus’ power and how we can trust Jesus to pull us through when life feels like a valley or a mountaintop.  You can expect a week full of faith discoveries, memorable music, and rowdy games that sets a course for trusting Jesus’ power!

The only difference in THIS year’s VBS is that you’ll get to participate with your kids at home.  We will broadcast live our openings with incredible music, interactive Bible Adventures, inventive Imagination Stations, and inspiring Games. 

It is our prayer that our Rocky Railway VBS will allow everyone involved to discover why and how we can truly trust Jesus’ power to do big things in our lives.
What to expect:
Ms Caroline and a special guest will be live every day next week at 9:30am on all of our social platforms.  We will wake everyone up with some rockin’ music and funny stories.  We will introduce the day’s theme and of course share how much Jesus loves us!  THEN everything else will be posted to our YouTube channel: Games, Imagination Station: Bible Adventures, and music videos each day.  Be sure to subscribe to our YouTube channel so you can get to each day’s videos easily.


You do not have to have any special materials to be able to participate in our VBS.  EVERYONE, no matter where they live can join in the fun with us online.

