Senior Ministry


JOY (Just Older Youth) 

St. Timothy JOY Group invites everyone 50 years and better to this Life Group
St. Timothy offers monthly opportunities for our more ‘mature’ members to worship, learn, fellowship and continue to grow in their faith together.
St. Timothy JOY Group invite you to join us to grow in your faith with food, fellowship and fun.


  • JOY Bible Study –  This LIFE group meets on the 2nd Wednesday every month from Sept. to May at 10:00 AM in the Adult Education Building in Room 101.   
  • JOY Trips   (You must be at least 50 to ride the county bus.)  Enjoy day trips to a variety of locations in and around Houston from September to May. 
  • Men’s Afternoon Out – Participate in weekly discussions and fellowship with other gentlemen at Minuti Coffee Shop on Tuesdays at 2:00 pm.  

For more information on any JOY event or activity, call Elizabeth Leitko at the church office at 281-469-2457 or email her at


You do not need to be a member of St. Timothy to participate in any activities!

