Prayer Makes a Difference

From September 27, 2017 Message by Brad Jurischk
Only through prayer will our mission and vision to Follow Jesus and Make a Difference become a reality.  All our plans, hopes, and dreams can only be accomplished through on-going, fervent prayer.
Philippians 4: 6-7 tells us how to accomplish this.  Do not be anxious about anything.  That’s a tall order as we consider local and global events.  They will always be with us.  How then shall we overcome?  First, pray – develop a relationship with God, through the Word and prayer.  Bring your petitions to Him.  He is the only one who has power and authority to effect change and answer.  With thanksgiving – before the answer is received, which is an expression of your trust and faith.  Then let your requests be made know.  This results in peace that transcends your human understanding, and will guard your heart and your mind in Christ Jesus.
Accept the three-fold challenge of prayer:
1 – Pray for our church and its mission.
2 – Pray for yourself daily asking Jesus where you can follow Him and make a difference.
3 – Attend our Service of Prayer and Healing
Let us all follow Jesus and make a difference!

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