Higher, Deeper, Wider
The mission of St. Timothy is to Follow Jesus and Make a Difference. Following Jesus changes our perspective.
It changes our relationships. And it changes our actions. The love of Christ compels us to live differently.
Ephesians 3:17-18 says, “And I pray that you, being rooted and established in love, may have power, together with all the Lord’s holy people, to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ.”
We believe that as we follow Jesus, He takes our vision Higher as we focus on Him in our worship and prayer. He takes us Deeper in our relationship with Him and others as we dig into the Word of God and build relationships that are rooted in Christ. Jesus takes us Wider as He sends us into our community and world to share His love with others. Join us as we look at how we live this out individually, at church, and in our community.
worship schedule
8:00 AM ~ Traditional Worship
The early service is structured around traditional worship and is led by organ,
choirs and hand bell music in the Sanctuary.
choirs and hand bell music in the Sanctuary.
9:30-10:30 AM ~ Children’s Sunday School and Adult Bible Classes
10:45 AM ~ Contemporary Worship
This service praises and worships God with contemporary Christian music but still has many aspects of a traditional service. Led by our Praise team and band in the Life Center.
1:00 PM ~ Manantiales de Vida
Spanish Worship and Bible study
Led by Pastor Rodrigo and his wife, Dayana Fernandez
For more information contact them at: mdv.2016@yahoo.com
Childcare is offered each Sunday morning for children up to 3 years of age.
Age appropriate Sunday School classes are held for all ages at 9:30 AM each
Sunday morning.
More information: Children’s Ministry

Sacrament of Holy Communion
Communion is celebrated on the 1st and 3rd Sunday of each month.
As Lutheran Christians, we practice “close communion” which means as you come to the Lord’s Supper you affirm that Jesus is your Savior and Lord, and you believe His Body and Blood are truly present “in, with, and under” the bread and wine and you desire to serve Him faithfully in the fellowship of the church. At St. Timothy we use both the Individual Cup and the Common Cup at each Communion Service. We share the following beliefs as we celebrate the Lord’s Supper:
- I believe that Jesus Christ is God’s Son and my personal Savior.
- I believe that I am sinful without hope of eternal life except for God’s mercy in Christ.
- I confess my sins to God and ask for His forgiveness.
- I believe that Christ is personally present in this Sacrament and through His Body and Blood, He forgives all my sins & remembers them no more.
- I ask for the power of the Holy Spirit to live a God-pleasing life.
Special Services through the year:
Service of Prayer and Healing:
On the second Wednesday of each month at 6:30 pm, we have a Service of Prayer and Healing. This service starts with a brief time of musical worship then leads into an extended time of prayer with our gifted prayer team. We invite anyone who needs prayer for themselves or a loved one – whether for healing, employment, mended relationships, or any other burden you are carrying. The prayer service is help during our Wednesday night “Pit Stop” activities, so come early for dinner before the service. For more information on Pit Stop, CLICK HERE
Lent: During Lent (the 6 weeks prior to Easter) We have worship on Wednesdays at 11:30am and 6:15pm. Join us during the Lenten season as we prepare our hearts for the sacrifice Jesus made for us on the cross.
Maundy Thursday: In commemoration of Jesus’ last supper and the new covenant made to us, we have worship with Holy Communion on the Thursday before Easter. Services are at 11:30 am and 7:00 pm.
Good Friday: Our Good Friday service of Darkness, is a powerful service that leads us to the cross with Jesus as He sacrifices His life for ours. Services are at 11:30 am and 7:00 pm.
Thanksgiving Eve: On Wednesday evening before Thanksgiving, we have a Service of Praise and Thanksgiving to thank our Lord for all He has blessed us with each year. Join us at 6:30 pm.
Advent: During Advent (the 3 weeks prior to Christmas) we have worship on Wednesdays at 11:30am and 6:30pm. Join us as we journey with Joseph and Mary and all of creation to the birth of our Savior.
Christmas Eve Candlelight Worship services are held on Christmas Eve at 10am, 3 pm, and 5 pm. Our Christmas Day Worship with Holy Communion is at 10:00 am.
New Years Eve: On New Year’s Eve we gather to worship God and thank Him for all He has done for us. You are welcome to join us for this worship service before starting your new year. Holy Communion is celebrated at our New Year’s Eve worship.
If you have any questions on any of our worship services, styles, communion, or what to expect…. we welcome you to contact us!
Email at: ContactUs@STLHouston.org or call 281-469-2457.